Wednesday, September 12, 2007

home sweet home

Austin is so green. It's more green than almost any place I can remember in recent history--makes sense, since it's been raining and thunderstorming all summer here. It's so pretty.

I can't believe my Europe trip is over already. It was so fast. We spent 1.5 days in Interlaken in the Swiss Alps, 1 day in Zurich, 1 each in Milan, Venice, Florence, 2 days in Rome, and 2 in London. Plus a few plane and train rides.

I think my favorite parts were:
-Paragliding over Interlaken...sooo beautiful
-Art museums: Vatican Museum in Vatican City had tons of Roman sculptures from old mythology, and the National Gallery in London had tons of..well, good art
-The 2.5 hour train ride from Interlaken up to Jungfrau, one of the peaks of the Swiss Alps
-Chagall stained glass windows in Fraumunster Cathedral in Zurich
-Walking around Venice and shopping for glass things! (Venice specialized in cute colored glass things)
-Playing bridge on the train rides :D
-SWISS CHOCOLATE AND GELATO on a more-than-daily basis!!

Can you tell what we're trying to spell out?